The third annual Worcester College Carol Composition Competition (2018) is now underway.
Download a PDF of the particulars >
Compositions are invited from composers aged 26 or under to set the Advent antiphon, Rorate Coeli, in English as Drop Down, ye Heavens, from above, for four part mixed choir (with optional divisi). Settings may be unaccompanied or with organ accompaniment and should last no longer than 4 minutes. Compositions must be currently unpublished works. The winning composition will be premiered at the College Carol Service on November 25th 2018, and may be included in the College’s recorded Christmas message. Entries will be adjudicated by Professor Robert Saxton, Dr Thomas Hyde, Dr Matthew Cheung Salisbury, and Thomas Allery. The deadline for entries is October 8th 2017.
The winning composition will win a prize of £350.
Text to be set:
Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness. Let the earth be fruitful, and bring forth a Saviour.
To Apply:
Entries should be accompanied by a short biography of the composer and sent by PDF to:
Or by post to:
Carol Competition, Worcester College, Oxford, OX1 2HB
to arrive no later than October 8th 2016.
All entries received will be acknowledged.